Terms and Conditions

1. About this website
Website Owner = Calm & Collected Bookkeeping (“ Calm & Collected Bookkeeping ”) (Domain name = www.calmcollected.com.au the “website”)

2. About these terms of use
These website terms of use (“terms of use”) and the associated Privacy Statement (“privacy policy”) govern your access to and use of the website. You should read these terms of use and the privacy policy carefully before using this website.

3. Your access/use implies agreement
The website is available for your use only on the condition that you agree to these terms of use. By accessing/using the website, you are signifying that you agree to be bound by these terms.

4. Modifications to the Terms
Calm & Collected Bookkeeping may revise and update these terms of use at any time. Your continued usage of the website after any changes to these terms of use will mean you accept those changes.

5. Modifications to the information
Calm & Collected Bookkeeping does not warrant the accuracy, adequacy, or completeness of material on this website. All information may be changed, supplemented, deleted, or updated without notice at the sole discretion of Calm & Collected Bookkeeping.